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Test Your Knowledge!
At the close of every game of Twisted Trivia is the final question: The Bonus Question.
It is always written & designed to be the most difficult question of the game.
Unlike the 10 questions that come before it, players & teams are given
5 minutes to think & submit an answer to this most challenging question.
Sometimes everybody gets it, sometimes nobody get its.
Here are some past Bonus Questions from various categories of thought
to test yourself & your merit.

Science & Technology

Before the radio in 1954, what was the first commercial product to use transistor technology?
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Brand Name People

Before achieving fame in Hollywood with the likes of Ava Gardner, Jean Harlow, & Marlene Dietrich, who was the official cosmetician of the Russian royal family?
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Pop Music

In September of 2002, who set a Billboard record when their first ever single jumped from its debut at #52 all the way to the #1 spot?
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World History

New Zealand Air Marshal Leonard Isitt was responsible for putting the final signature on the document that did what?
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Classic Literature

Of the BBC's Top 10 Greatest British Novels, what book was not only written the earliest, in 1818, but was also written by 1 of the 4 women featured on the list?
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World Geography
Because neither country has thought of a feasible solution for close to over 100 years, the Euromed Transport Project is now responsible for coming up with what would be a historic connection between what 2 countries on 2 different continents?
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Because of its regularity, what landmark has been called "Eternity's Timepiece" for over 150 years?
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Potent Potables
Eclipsing $1 billion in sales in 2022, what brand name product's name means "an event likely to decide the final outcome of a situation?"
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Infamous Firsts
In an 1863 letter to the New York Times, author Charles Bristed wrote, in reference to the British
aristocratic influence on the Civil War, "England has had quite enough to do in Europe & Asia, without going out of her way to meddle with America.." marking the first known example of what concept?
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Weights & Measures
Throughout all history, all of the what ever dug up or mined would fit in just 2.5 Olympic-sized swimming pools?
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